Society Repairs- Points to consider in the interest of all of us...
Society Repairs- Points to consider in the interest of all of us...
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"Gopal Chary"
"Parag Samel"
Dear Saketians,
With respect to the above I am making some points which I feel we all should consider and collectively address because they are of genuine cause of concern to everybody.
I trust that all concerned- be it the Managing Committee or the Repair Committee or the common Saketian - all will keep our individual likes or dislikes; pride and prejudices aside while reading this letter.
The letter is primarily naturally addressed to the Managing Committee, as it is the supreme committee who is supposed to safeguard the society's interest and in whose hands all the members have reposed their trust and faith.
Coming to the subject matter:
1 The recent Sheesh Mahal tragedy in Ulhasnagar has sent shivers down the spine of every building which would be undertaking repairs.
2. In the Sheesh Mahal tragedy, the building had undertaken terrace repairs when the tragedy struck.
3. I am not suggesting anything like that would happen here but only want to highlight and request the following:
A) We have recently conducted a Structural Audit of all our buildings.
I think members should be told the status of all buildings - whether life audit was done of all buildings and if yes what is the result?
B) Members were told in the last SGM that as per the Structural Audit, corrosion levels in all buildings were between 50% to 90%.
This is very alarming- equivalent to CANCER- in the 2nd/ 3rd stage.
C) On the same point I want to highlight a query by Mr Sunil Rawlani - minuted on page no. 5 of the minutes of the SGM circulated to all members and which reads like this: ( Quote)
Mr Rawlani / B6-603 inquired about the treatment to the internal corrosion in embedded steel.
Mr Samel replied that there was no treatment available for such corrosion but by stopping the leakage externally further corrosion can be prevented. (Unquote).
# I am confused at this answer minuted - if there is no treatment available for such corrosion - which as per the audit is as high as 50 to 90% - then what are we going to repair ?
Are we saying that its like a man whose legs are suffering from Osteoporosis- but as it has no cure (??), we will treat other parts and make him healthy ??
I ask myself - what if the man breaks his legs and collapses ??
And if I mistake not, I have read somewhere that some treatment called ' jacketing' is done on corroded steel coloumns.
D) The report of Strut Consultants states that carrying out terrace waterproofing in totality by removing the existing water proofing treatment carefully using a Electric Breaker.
Read this with Mr Gopal Iyer's query on page 4 of the SGM minutes- ( Quote )
Mr Gopal Iyer inquired whether the cement slurry application was manual or by a machine.
Mr Samel responded by stating that the application was by machine spray.
E) Newspaper reports on the Sheesh Mahal tragedy are suggesting that the tragedy was caused due to usage of ' Heavy Drilling Machine" while carrying out roof top repairs.
Newspapers are also attributing
" inferior quality sand" from Ulwa used in 1990s as a cause leading to the collapse of many buildings recently.
It is alarming because Mr Samel had also mentioned inferior quality of sand was used in construction of Saket - if true, reason more for us to be extra careful and concerned.
And therefore, I request that please look in to the Life Audit factor of every building seperately.
Please look into which buildings, which portions, which areas are corroded upto 50% and which are corroded upto 70% and which are corroded upto 90%.
Please look into the cracks & corrosion factors of all terraces seperately- some may be very bad, some may not.
Same for water tanks as we don't want - and I mean all of us - to have a situation where the bottom of a tank caves in...
I personally feel that Strut's report is incomplete and silent on many issues.
Hence, once again a request to get it whetted by a second opinion.
Or have we abandoned Strut's report ?
Or whether our Consultant M/s. Avon has submitted any report or any opinion on the Structural Audit ?
What is their observation on the general and specific condition of A wing, B wing and C wing ?
What is the exact basis on which we are going to conduct this repair program ?
# Because I ask myself a question as to what shall become of me if I flirted with one, got engaged with a second, married a third, concieved from a fourth and get delivered by a fifth ?
I will not go into any other aspects of the repairs program - especially the one's related to execution of the project - as past experiences have shown that you don't like any suggestions or questions from me and feel that " I am the only one opposing while others have no problem".
Hence I have sort of withdrawn - let members decide their own fate and reinvent the wheel.
But as the issues raised in this letter are matter of life and death, I request you to please decide on who will be responsible for this repairs - the one.. who will get bouquets in case of good work but shall have to face the music and be answerable and accountable in case of any failures or mishaps and how ?
Like an enfant terribble, I am eternally blowing my the hope that maybe some ears may listen to it before it is too late..
Remember, since last November I was highlighting that we should have a plan B ready - but nobody listened and look where we are today - exactly where I had predicted.
So finally, please DON'T dare to discard or disregard or " laugh on my back" at this letter's content, emotion or feeling.
And don't think that I am trying to oppose you - in fact I am trying to help you, protect all of us.
Dayanand Nene
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