Heavy Traffic Jams at Kalwa Bridge inconveniencing residents.

April 30, 2015.
The Hon. DCP (Traffic),
Thane City,

Respected Madam ,

Sub : Heavy Traffic Jams at Kalwa Bridge inconveniencing residents.

Three months ago we  had written to you about the huge traffic snarls at Kalwa Bridge, daily in the morning and evening.
The situation still continues unabated and residents from Saket and also of Rabodi are suffering every day.
As pointed to you earlier, the problem has been compounded since opening of the Bhiwandi bypass arm of the Majiwade flyover.
Since then all Tourist vehicles, trucks and Company buses climb down the arm and coming straight take a left turn on the Rustomjee built illegal service road, then take a right turn to come on Saket Road and head to Vashi from Kalwa Bridge.
While doing so they use the entire width of the road - even the extreme right lane and thus causing a jam which stretches up to a kilometre. The lines of trucks parked on either side of the road add to the bad traffic condition.
To sort out the problem, we are again suggesting that please stop movement of Trucks and Tourist buses on Saket road (from Balkum Naka to Kalwa Bridge)  from 8 am till 9 pm. 
We also suggest that from Rabodi turning, please allow vehicles wanting to go to Thane City - to use the extra lane on the right side of the road - upto Kalwa Bridge - as described in the sketch attached - so that those vehicles can travel unhindered.
You are requested to please look into the matter personally and provide relief to residents of Saket.


Dayanand Nene                                                                      Bipin Kulkarni
Chairman                                                                                Secretary


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