Calling an SGM to frame a proper parking policy for Saket
The Secretary,
The Secretary,
Saket CHSL,
Dear Sir,
The issue of Parking is being hotly discussed in the Society for the past many months.
We had first attempted to organize our parking by allotting parking space to members, as per decision taken in an AGM @ RS. 1000/- pa for 4 wheelers and RS. 500/- pa for 2 wheelers way back in 2007, when I was the Secretary.
That time, our Committee members Sunil Shinde and GM Wajpe had taken great effort to earmark spaces to members and had coordinated the entire activity. We have about 215 parking spaces in our complex.
Since then, there has been no revision in the allotment and members then allotted are enjoying the facility at the same rate decided at that time.
We have a huge waiting list and in the past 10 years, we have hardly given parking to new members.
On direction of the court, the Maharashtra Govt first drafted a Parking policy in 2011 and the same was Incorporated in the byelaws subsequently.
As per that policy, in case, parking spaces are less than the people demanding it, the Society should draw lots every year or else, as per decision of the General Body.
Otherwise, it is mandatory that a mechanism be put in place so that all members get the benefit of parking at some point of time.
If the Managing Committee fails in this, the Society can be penalized and the committee dismissed.
Saket status:
Actually, the Society should have devised the parking policy after 2011 but it didn't happen.
When our Committee took over, it was our commitment to form a proper policy.
As per priority, I had planned to introduce the subject and call for a SGM in our second year.
Hence, I had suggested the same in our MC meeting of July 2016 - but the new office bearers did not take any action.
Now, with the protests from members rising by the day, I am suggesting/requesting/ demanding that you should immediately call an SGM to devise a proper parking policy for Saket.
Please take the subject on agenda of this month's MC meeting without fail.
Dayanand Nene
Member, Saket Managing Committee.
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