Compliance of the byelaws
Dear Members of the Managing Committee,
Dear Members of the Managing Committee,
I have been writing to you at various times on various subjects pertaining to the Model byelaws and the MCS Act, with a view to inform/ educate/ create awareness of the same and emphasize the need to follow them.
Sadly, most of the time, my advice has fallen on deaf ears and the committee in the past two years has broken the law many times with impunity.
Though ignorance of law can't be a reason for breaking it, it can be sometimes condoned.
What can't be condoned is if it is done purposely, inspite of knowledgeable members pointing out to you.
And that is sadly what is happening in our society.
Since May 2016, the office bearers have wilfully and purposely neglected me and my advice and have propelled the society on a downward spiral.
The Special Report by our Auditor, is the first time in the history of the Society that such scathing remarks have been written about our society.
What is more shameful is that one office bearer tried to justify it by claiming that they (office bearers), themselves had asked the auditor to write such a nasty report.
Classic case of मियां गिरे फिर भी टांग उप्पर.
I am again sending an extract of the need to follow the byelaws.
Hope wiser counsel will prevail on you.
Dayanand Nene
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