
Showing posts from April, 2018

Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income The Supreme Court has upheld the principle of mutuality, which states that a person cannot make profit from himself. We look at how this ruling will affect the levy of tax on receipts, such as non-occupancy charges, transfer fees, service charges, common amenity funds, etc The Supreme Court (SC) of India recently provided a big relief to cooperative societies (societies), by dismissing the claim of the income tax authorities on levy of tax on various receipts (for example, non-occupancy charges, transfer fees, service charges, common amenity funds, etc.) collected by such societies. The dispute of the tax authorities revolved around a notification dated 09.08.2001, issued under section 79A of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960 and its applicability on such societies. Based on this notification, the tax department contended that since these societies have re

Maintenance Charges levied by Co-operative Societies and the GST thereon :

Dear Saketians, Sahakarsutra Infoseries: Maintenance Charges levied by Co-operative Societies and the GST thereon : (Very Important). 1. Tax Rate: -  All the Co-operative Societies registered under GST laws are liable to collect GST on the  services provided by them to their members. The rate of tax is 18% to be charged separately  under two headings namely; CGST @ 9% and SGST @ 9%.  2. Issue of Tax Invoice: -  The services include exempt services, zero rated services as well as other rated taxable services.  The Society has to issue “Tax Invoice” for taxable services and separate “Bill of Supply” for  exempt services rendered by society. Supply of zero rated services will be part of Tax Invoice.  3. Taxes on the Basis of RCM: -  A society is required to pay the GST on the basis of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) on the  services such as legal services from Advocates, Transport Services from Good Transport  Agency (GTA) and Inward supply of Goods or

साकेत ची पार्किंग समस्या.

साकेत ची पार्किंग समस्या. ------------------------------ --------------------- दिवसेंदिवस साकेत मधील पार्किंग समस्या जटिल होत चालली आहे. वार्षिक भाडे केवळ रू.१०००/-, बारा वर्षे झाली तरी कोणतीही योग्य व पारदर्शक पार्किंग धोरणाचा अभाव व इतकी वर्षे काही ठराविक मंडळीनी या मर्यादित ज़ागांवर कब्जा केला आहे ही उर्वरित लोकांच्या मनातील भावना, या सर्व गोष्टीमुळे लोकांच्यात असंतोष खदखदत आहे. या प्रश्नाचे निराकरण करण्यासाठी त्वरीत एक सर्वसाधारण सभा बोलवून तोडगा काढला पाहिजे.  मी हे किमान तीन वेळा आपल्याला लिहिले आहे. तरी आता जास्त वेळ न घालवता त्वरीत एक पार्किंग धोरण साकेत ने अवलंबले पाहिजे. पार्किंगची नियमावली बनवताना.. *ही नियमावली लवचिक असली पाहिजे. * ही नियमावली संस्थेच्या पदाधिकाऱ्यांना निश्चितपणे काही अधिकार प्रदान करणारी असली पाहिजे. * या नियमावलीमध्ये सहकाराचे तत्त्व म्हणजे एक सदस्य-एक मत. याप्रमाणे एक सदस्य एक पार्किंग, हे अमलात आणण्याची तरतूद असणे आवश्यक आहे. * एखाद्या सदस्यावर बहुमताच्या जोरावर जर काही अन्याय होत असेल तर त्याचे निराकरण करण्यासाठी विशिष्ट तरतुदी