Corruption in the new Amnesty Scheme for OC


May 11, 2018.

The Hon. Municipal Commissioner,
Thane Municipal Corporation,

Sub: Corruption in the new Amnesty Scheme for OC

Dear Sir,

In the month of January, this year, the TMC reintroduced the Amnesty Scheme for buildings which did not have OC, after revising the terms and conditions.
Those buildings, which were declared illegal because of lack of Occupation Certificate, were given a chance to legalize themselves within six months.
Under the revised amnesty scheme, the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) has squashed the penalty charges by several folds. The clauses for getting OC have been eased so that large number of buildings in the city could benefit.
The TMC has given six months to the buildings to apply for OC under the scheme.
In the new scheme, TMC has decided to give OC to buildings if the alterations adhere to the legal framework and do not affect the structural stability.
Societies can purchase additional FSI or TDR from TMC to regularize the structures and get OC.
The penalty was also greatly reduced and the fine will be Rs 5,000/- for 30 sqm, Rs10,000/- for 40sqm and Rs25,000/-  up to 60sqm.
However, as is the bane with any good scheme - human greed – seems to have affected this particular Amnesty scheme also.
We have seen many irregularities happening in the implementation of this scheme, which, if not checked can lead to major problems for the Corporation later.
In this scheme, 2 things are of paramount importance:
(1)   A fresh application for OC under the new scheme, as terms and condition from the previous scheme of 2015 had changed drastically,
(2)   Stability Certificate of the buildings (less than 12 months old) received from a Structural Engineer on the panel of TMC.
This is where the TMC officials are playing truant.
a)     In many cases, the applications received against the old scheme are still being considered valid. RTI queries in this regard are given non -committal answers.
b)    Bogus Structural Stability Certificates are being attached with the application. The Officials just write a remark “Received” with regard to the Structural Audit report or Stability certificate – remaining silent / not elaborating what is mentioned in the certificate – whether any repairs etc are recommended and whether conducted by a person on the panel.
c)     The TMC officials do not conduct proper survey of the societies – especially huge one’s  – go only to select houses where the alterations and modifications are minimal and then give bogus report on the alterations/ modifications – thus depriving TMC of revenue, while filling their own pockets – as such wrong or bogus reports will not be given unless money exchanges hands. In all these cases, the role of middle agents and their relation with the TMC officials is very important.
Sir, we request you to look into the matter and make the implementation of the scheme more strict and stringent. 
Just imagine, what would be the plight, if any building, given OC by TMC, based on such bogus Stability Certificates, collapses - leading to loss of human life and chaos..
A suggestion - Like you have done in case of RTI, please put all applications received for OC and the decision taken along with results – on the website of TMC for greater transparency.


For Alert Citizens Forum of India,

Dayanand Nene

cc: M/s. Milind Patankar, Najeeb Mulla, Suhas Desai, Naresh Mhaske - request to properly ensure implementation of the scheme.
cc: M/s. Sanjay Kelkar ji, Jitendra Awhad ji - keeping you in the loop.

[Political Activist and Analyst]
Bharatiya Janata Party
Consumer Protection Service Council
Alert Citizens Forum of India
88795 28575 / 90040 28575


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