Letters / Representations given to DCP Traffic [Thane City]

A7/303, Saket CHSL, Thane (W), 400601

November 19, 2018

The Sr Police Inspector,
Rabodi Police Station,
Thane (W) 400 601.

CC: DCP ( Traffic), Thane.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that the Thane Municipal Corporation has started the work of concretizing the stretch of road from Mahalaxmi Temple in Saket, up to the Fire Brigade station on Rustomjee Road.
The work is supported to take one month for completion.
We request you to stop the movement of heavy vehicles like Trucks, Tankers, Company Buses on this stretch from the Mahalaxmi Temple to Highway and also bar vehicles from entering Saket by taking a U turn from the highway till the concretization work is over.
Your immediate action will be highly appreciated.


For Saket Parisar ALM,

Dayanand Nene.          Prasad Bedekar
President.                      Secretary


A7/303, Saket CHSL, Thane (W), 400601

९ October, २०१७
डी सी पी (ट्राफिक),
ठाणे शहर,

प्रत: आमदार श्री. संजय केळकर जी,
-  कृपया लक्ष घालून मदत करावी ही विनंती..


*ज्युपिटर हॉस्पिटल मध्ये दुचाकी वाहनांना प्रवेशबंदी असते म्हणून हॉस्पिटलमध्ये admit असलेल्या पेशंटच्या* *नातेवाईकांना 2 व्हीलर बाहेर सर्व्हिस रोडला पार्किंग कराव्या लागतात. हॉस्पिटल प्रशासनाला 2 व्हिलरसाठी पार्किंगचं काय वावडं आहे ते कळत नाही.*
*‌बाहेर पार्क केलेल्या गाड्यांकडून पूर्वी पार्किंग शुल्क गोळा करणारी ठेकेदारांची यंत्रणा (??) होती. सकाळी 10 वाजता येऊन संध्याकाळी 7 पर्यंत ही मंडळी शुल्कवसुली करायची व निघून जायची. रात्रभर गाड्या बेवारस उभ्या असायच्या. पण हल्ली पोलिसांनी तिथून 2 व्हीलर गाड्या उचलायचा सपाटाच लावलाय.*

*24 तास रुग्णाजवळ थांबावं लागणाऱ्या पेशंटच्या नातेवाइकांनी मग दुचाकी गाड्या लावायच्या कुठं ??? 
कुठचीही पर्यायी व्यवस्था करण्यात आली नसतांना पोलीस प्रशासन निर्दयपणे गाड्या उचलून नेत आहे. विचारलं तर साहेबांची ऑर्डर आहे सांगतात. रोज लाखों रूपये कमावणाऱ्या या हॉस्पिटलला 2 व्हिलरसाठी साधं पार्किंग ठेवता येत नाही???*

*मानसिक तणावात असणाऱ्या रुग्णाच्या नातेवाइकांची व्यथा ना पोलिस ऐकायला तयार ना हॉस्पिटल प्रशासन. अशावेळी रात्रभर बेवारश्यासारखी बाहेर उभी एखाद्या नातेवाईकाची गाडी चोरीला गेली तर कोण जबाबदार राहणार आहे??*

*तसेच एखाद्या टोइंग वाहनाच्या मागे धावताना एखादी व्यक्ती जखमी वा मृत झाल्यास त्याची जबाबदारी पोलीस किंवा हॉस्पिटल प्रशासन घेणार आहे का??*

 *आणि अर्थातच अशा हॉस्पिटलचा खर्च त्या सामान्य नातेवाईकाला परवडणार आहे का??*

*तेव्हा हॉस्पिटल प्रशासनाला व पोलिसांनाही हात जोडून विनंती आहे की काही तरी तोडगा काढा व पर्यायी व्यवस्था होईपर्यंत सामान्यांच्या गाड्या हॉस्पिटल समोरून उचलून नेऊ नका ही आपणास विनंती आहे.

आपले सहकार्येच्छूक,

अलर्ट सिटीझन्स फोरम साठी,

दयानंद नेने.             प्रसाद बेडेकर
अध्यक्ष.                     सचिव



​May 30, 2017

The DCP (Traffic),
Thane City,

​Respected Shri Sandeep Palwe ji,

cc: CP Thane = for information
cc: Shri Sanjay Kelkar, MLA, Thane City

Today morning I was on my way to work, travelling from Saket complex

​, Thane ​
 towards Mulund.
As I reached the first flyover near Rutu Park, there was a huge jam. Getting closer, I found 3 Transport luxury buses 

​had ​
stopped near the beginning of the flyover, offloading people.
They were the reason of the jam.
Driving further on the bridge, I saw 3 Company buses stop at the end of that flyover offloading / picking up passengers.
One bus stopped suddenly and I almost bumped into it.
This sequence continued on the rest of the 3 flyovers.
In fact, this is a daily practice and such illegal stoppage not only create traffic snarls but also are reason that cause accidents on the highways.
We request you to please look into the matter and give instructions to your squads to heavily fine such people who stop buses and trucks near the flyovers.
We also request you to put up No Stoppage Boards at the beginning and end of the flyovers

​ and also install CCTV cameras to nab the offenders.​

Request early action in the interest of public.


For Alert Citizens Forum of India,

Dayanand Nene

#88795 28575​


A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601.

The Municipal Commissioner,
Thane Municipal Corporation,

CC : DCP Traffic, Thane City.

Respected Sir,

In the last week, boards have been put up on Saket Marg opposite to our buildings no. C4 to C7 (on the Saket to Kalwa Bridge side), that TMC intends to use that stretch as a Pay and Park area.
As per reports, TMC has recently announced its intention to start Pay and Park in Thane City.

As per the policy, the TMC had selected 177 roads from each ward for pay-and-park facility.

It will create 9,855 parking places in the city, which includes 4,571 two-wheeler parking, 2,242 for three wheeler, 2,703 for four-wheeler and 339 for heavy vehicles.

Sir, we want to draw your attention that Saket Parisar is a sort of isolated area.
The stretch TMC has selected is barely 200 metres and is alongside the Thane creek wall.
As of now, the residents of Saket are facing issues of Tourist buses and trucks stopping on this road for 'Loo breaks', thereby raising a stink and also creating health hazards in the area.
We have also had incidents wherein miscreants from such vehicles have misbehaved with the ladies and girls of our complex.
In fact, we residents have been trying ways and means to stop them from halting there - by shaming them with banners and even requesting help of RTO authorities.

We are extremely apprehensive that if the Pay and Park is made operational in our Parisar, it will give official permission to such tourist buses and truckers to halt there and misuse and dirty the place.
There is also a chance of anti social elements parking their vehicles there and that can cause a social security problem - given the isolated nature of our area.

Sir, the stretch from Balkum Road to Kalwa Bridge is very big. There are lots of vacant expanses on this road.
Our humble request is please cancel the Pay and Park in our Parisar and shift it to some other vacant area along the road.

For Saket Parisar ALM,

Dayanand Nene (8879528575)


A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601.

May 10, 2017.

The DCP Traffic,
Thane City.

Respected Sir,

The traffic scenario in Thane is becoming pathetic as the vehicles are increasing.
Not following traffic signals, parking/stopping in middle of road, many cars barging in to take turn, no respect to pedestrians are becoming very common and a big nuisance.

It is high time the traffic police do their job really well.
Given that Thane is next door to the finance capital of India, the traffic management is way too below par.
The number of vehicles having been increasing at a very rapid rate( appx 15,000/year), but the Traffic management is way too behind to cope up with the same.
Being senstiive Thane-ites we would like the following points to be implemented:

- Increase the traffic police staff at RTO's to keep pace with increasing number of vehicles. The RTO staff strength has been decreasing with the tremendous increase in traffic! Really difficult to comprehend!

- Limit the number of vehicle registered and establish a well-defined protocol to monitor/regulate the same.

- Ensure traffic rules more strictly to ensure people respect the rules and not take YOU for granted. Most of them are NOT scared of LAWS and don't follow rules. This is getting really bad and will get even worse in the future.
Its a real shame that most of them go unpunished and have no respect for the rules.

- Thane now has many flyover bridges. What is most dangerous and annoying is that ST buses, Company buses and private tempos stop their vehicles abruptly at the fag end of the bridge after descending to offload people.
This causes the traffic following the vehicle to brake urgently. The other danger is that people who get off from such vehicles come in front of the vehicles coming from below the bridge causing accidents.
Please ensure that such stopping is not allowed and the vehicles should go on the left side of the road and stop.

The following areas are also very chaotic and it seems pretty much ignored. Please deploy more staff at the following locations:

- Teen Hath naka Junction,
- Cadbury Junction,
- Majiwade junction,
- Balkum junction,
- Saket Rd ( Kalwa Bridge),
- Waghbil junction,
- Kalwa junction.

These are just a few places where we see daily chaos. We are pretty sure there will be many such places that need to be looked into.

Its high time Thane Traffic Police gets more serious about the worsening traffic scenario and take strong steps towards ensuring less problems to transportation and the common man affected by the same.

Hope you will pay heed to our sincere request.


For Alert Citizens Forum of India

Dayanand Nene (8879528575)


Alert team: Jitendra Satpute, Prasad Bedekar, Ganesh Iyer, Pramod Date, CS Sandhya Malhotra, Parikshit Dhume, Kiran Joshi.



A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601 #8879528575

December 20, 2016

The DCP Traffic,
Thane City,

Kind Attention: Shri Sandeep Palwe.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Regulating traffic movement in Thane to avoid inconvenience to people.

We are attaching herewith a circular issued by the Traffic Dept of Mumbai to regulate traffic movement in the island city.
The circular is self explanatory.
On similar lines we request you to issue requisite orders for Thane City to provide respite and reduce inconvenience to the people of Thane.
Regulation of trucks / heavy vehicles is extremely necessary in Thane to avoid the almost perennial traffic jams on Ghodbunder Road, Majiwade junction, Saket Road, Kalwa Bridge, Central Maidan, Kopri Bridge, Cadbury junction - to name a few.
You are requested to do needful in the matter .


For Alert Citizens Forum of India,

Dayanand Nene

Alert Thane team: Jitendra Satpute, Prasad Bedekar, CS Sandhya Malhotra, Kiran Joshi, Parikshit Dhume, Pramod Date, Sangita Koganur, Amit Sawant, Ganesh Iyer



A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601 #8879528575

September 27, 2016

The DCP Traffic,
Thane City,
Thane (W).

Dear Sirs, Since the last one month, we - the residents of Thane City have been experiencing traffic snarls in the city through out the day.
The major spots are:
a) Nasik highway - from Kharegaon tollnaka, at any point of times one faces traffic jams from the toll naka thru the highway upto Viviana Mall,
b) From Kalwa Bridge upto Saket on one side and Central Maidan on the other,
c) Majiwade and Kapurbawdi junctions,
d) Kopri Bridge to Check Naka on either side in morning and evening.
Due to these jams, Thaneites find commuting a nightmare. Itinerary of office goers and students have gone awry, petrol is wasted, rickshaw fares shoot up due to the traffic blocks and pollution increases leading to health hazards for people.
We feel that regulating the movement of heavy vehicles in the city, proper patrolling of certain crucial junctions and penalizing offenders who break traffic rules - especially at certain spots like Kalwa Bridge, Kapurbawdi junction, Kasarwadavali signal, entry point of Thane city on the highway will help ease traffic flow.
Banning entry and movement of heavy traffic in the city during peak hours of morning and evening is also the key to reducing the traffic snarls.
We trust that you will look into the matter and take required steps to ease life of Thanekars.
For Alert Citizens Forum of India,

Dayanand Nene (President)
Prasad Bedekar (Secretary)
Jitendra Satpute, Kiran Joshi, CS Sandhya Malhotra, Ganesh Iyer, Parikshit Dhume, Adv Shrirang Mulye, Sangita Koganur.


Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (West) 400601

October 20, 2016

The DCP Traffic,
Thane City.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Daily traffic snarls on Saket Rd.
With respect to the above, my submission is as under:
1) My name is Dayanand Nene, residing in Saket Complex.
I am the President of an ALM - Saket Parisar ALM - run for the benefit of the Complex and also past Chairman and Managing Committee member of Saket CHSL.
2) We have been experiencing daily huge traffic jams from Kalwa Bridge upto Saket Towers during peak hours of the morning.
3) A journey of barely 10 minutes from Saket to Chendani takes up to more than 45 minutes disruption the time table of students and office goers from the complex.
3) The jam is primarily due to movement of traffic going leftward from Kalwa Bridge but occupying all the lanes up to the left turn thus clogging movement of vehicles going into Thane from Kalwa Bridge junction.
4) We have met your predecessor DCP and ACP many times but the problem persists due to undisciplined driving by left bound traffic goers.
5) As a solution, either you open a lane on the other side of the road from Rabodi junction ( nowadays such things are common in Mumbai even on highways), or,
From Rabodi junction, push all left bound traffic on the extreme 2 left lanes thus making free one lane for Thane bound traffic.
6) People who break the lanes be heavily fined - say Rs. 2000/- - so that they are deterred from breaking the lanes.
Please look into the matter and do needful asap to provide relief to thousands of daily commuting Saketians.
For Saket Parisar ALM,

Dayanand Nene
Attachments area


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