Minutes of the SGM held on 25th Feb 2018 for Repairs
Minutes of the SGM held on 25th Feb 2018 at Saket Club House at 10.30am to
discuss the following agenda:
1. To read and approve the minutes of the last SGM
2. To discuss and approve modernisation/upgrade of lift
3. To discuss, finalise and approve the appointment of project consultant for
undertaking and completing the entire repair project.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting by 30 minutes due to lack of quorum.
The meeting was then called to order at 11.00 am. The Chairman welcomed the
members and requested members to rise and observe a minutes silence as a mark of
condolence to the families of the departed souls of the complex.
He briefed members about the process adopted in moving ahead with the repair
program and the appointment of the consultant. Further, he explained that in order to
create an awareness and consensus on the repair project, members of the managing
committee held building wise meetings and an open forum which was well attended.
He clarified that MC members will not get directly involved in the repair project but
will involve sub-committees to take care of the various aspects related to the project.
It was also informed that no internal contractor will be involved in the repairs.
After requesting members to restrict the discussion to repairs, he requested the
secretary to take up the agenda.
At this point, Mr. Subramanian of B8 rose to raise some points but was asked to
wait till the secretary finished his briefing and begins the agenda.
The secretary, Mr. Dilip Kankale briefly on the same points mentioned by the
chairman and informed that the decision of the General body will be implemented in
the repair project. He enquired whether minutes of last SGM should be read or not as
the same was already circulated. Members desired that it be read. Accordingly,
secretary requested Mr. Shasi Nair to read out the minutes of the last SGM. The same
was read by Mr. Shasi Nair.
Mr. Pradeep Gupta and Mr. Doshi raised objections on the manner in which the
consultant was appointed, costs and the validity of the present SGM. Mr. Magesh
enquired why the cost is being debated as the BOQ is only an estimate and final
quotes will come when tenders are floated.
Mr. Upasani A2/102 expressed his opinion on repairs based on the observations on
previous repairs. He also mentioned that M/s Neo-Tech has not been given any
specific assignment other than the audit work. He mentioned that certain procedures
will have to be necessarily followed. The consultant, whomsoever it may be, have to
be told to take out tenders as public issue i.e. open tenders, and after his technical
assessment/advise the committee should scrutinise and decide how many agencies to
appoint. As buildings are joined, we will have to undertake phase by phase work
instead of building wise. He said we should start looking at critical areas like water
Mr. Shivram B2/102 said he could not get more information on Neo-Tech on the
internet and objected to their appointment. He also enquired why he had to give
Mr. Dilip Kankale B2/504 pointed out that we have read the minutes of the last
meeting which members need to consider for approval. Mr. Shasi Nair also requested
members to take a decision whether the minutes are to be passed or not.
Mr. Chary B-3/102 mentioned that he had asked whether society has taken GST
number. He also added that if society buys material we will get input tax credit. He
said that he had no objection to the minutes being passed provided the points
mentioned by him is incorporated.
The minutes were then passed by the majority provided that the points raised by Mr.
Chary be incorporated in the minutes.
Proposed by: Ms. Asha Heble
Seconded by: Mr. Ghodse
The Secretary then took up the issue of Lift repairs/replacement.
Ms. Viji Iyer C7-604 said that the conditions of Lifts are very bad and the discussion
on the subject should be held at a separate SGM. She opined that there are several
people in the complex who know of contractors related to lifts and they should get
more quotations so that a decision can be taken after considering the various options
and quotations.
Mr. Gopal Iyer recommended that the contract should be given to established and
branded companies.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta from B2/403 said that certain process has to be followed
before calling a meeting, else people get confused. Circulate widely asking for
quotations with all terms and conditions including performance guarantee etc. A
detailed circular may then be put up for members study and emphasised the need to
understand all terms and conditions before the appointment of a consultant.
Mr. K. Subramaniam of B8/ 604 felt there is a communication gap. He questioned
the method of appointment of consultants and suggested methods for the same. He
referred to past repairs and informed members not to hurry to take on any repair
work. He said we should wait for funds to accumulate rather than go in for fresh
collection on repairs.
Mr. D Nene of A7-303 said that members are only expressing their views and
requested the secretary not to panic and respond. He agreed with Mr. K Subramaniam
to the extent of 95% and informed that we have only about Rs 2crores since society
formation in 1999 and to accumulate funds at this rate for huge projects will not serve
its purpose.
Mr. Upasani clarified on Mr. K Subramaniams observations by saying that there were
other applicants who were technically qualified and each one of them had made their
presentations. He added that he had no role in the appointment of M/s Neo-Tech and
the decision to appoint them was taken at the earlier SGM. In fact, he suggested not
to appoint M/s Neo-Tech and other consultants may be invited. He emphatically
clarified that we have not appointed anybody for carrying out the repairs so far. Onlya
structural audit was done and we also have two other structural audits which were
done earlier. Compare their findings and suitably consider inviting consultants.
Further, he mentioned that we should not get bogged down by Rs 15crores as these
actually have no sanctity and is only indicative. He informed that his findings and
observations are all recorded in the file available in the society office which can be
gone through.
As regards lifts, he recommended branded standard companies to be considered.
Also, consideration may be given for generator back up.
Mr. Gopal Iyer said that we have not come to discuss repairs, but to approve the
appointment of M/s Neo-Tech. He mentioned going through the processes.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta B2/403 suggested that a circular is sent to everybody giving all
details on various consultants so that there is sufficient clarity. He also said that
members should have sufficient trust on the work done by the managing committee.
Mr. K. Subramanian tried to shout and demanded to want to speak again, but the
members were not interested in listening to him. What he was trying to say was lost
in the din of shouting by all members.
Mr. Shasi Nair B1/203 expressed that members should maintain decorum by only
speaking with the permission of the chair. He clarified that we are talking about a
process for appointment of consultant and subsequent procedures. No
recommendation is being put forth to appoint a particular consultant. The consultant
who has been appointed by the SGM was only to undertake the structural audit. Now
that the consultant has given his submissions it is for the members to except that
submission or goes for further audits if required. He urged members to discuss a
suitable process in the appointment of consultants/contractors and the repair program.
Mr. Magesh of B8/101 suggested splitting the entire process into two parts: technical
and price part. Appoint a technical committee.
Mr. Mahesh Balasubramanian B6-303 - said the extent of repairs is not clear. He also
felt doing audits, again and again, is adding up to cost and we are also losing a lot of
time. He advised that we should behave like civilised citizens of the society and hear
experts like Mr. Upasani.
Mr. Chary - Enquired about the quantity of sand based plaster treatment etc. Why
overhead tanks are not being repaired by the committee. He requested the members to
give approval to the committee to repair all the water tanks on a war footing. He
mentioned that during the tenure of the previous committee, work was done to stop
leakages hence the replacement of entire plumbing is not a solution but very
expensive and should be removed from the cost. Only part replacement/repair of
pipes is recommended. He also requested that leakages in 7th-floor flats should be
Ms. Saroj Magesh of B8/101 contradicted Mr. Charys statement and said in all these
years whatever he said has not been happening and blaming the present committee is
not a solution. She mentioned that there is subsoil erosion. She requested members to
take a decision whether to go in for a proper repair or not instead of arguing and
wasting time.
Mr. Karkare of C2/102: If we just keep discussing like this nothing will happen.
Instead, he suggested that take on work one by one following the necessary steps and
get moving with the repairs.
Mr. Vitus Joseph A4/201 He felt that the per sq ft cost is very expensive when
compared to the repair works in other societies. He suggested that let a subcommittee
decide and come out with a proposal.
Mr. Shasi Nair B1/203 said we are going round and round as far as technicalities are
concerned. Instead, let us focus on forming 4 to 5 committees who will have key
responsibility areas. He also urged members who are interested voluntarily to be part
of a sub-committee for repairs. These committees could be Technical, Finance,
Collection, and Legal. Mr. Hemant Hajare also voiced his opinion that the members
willing to be part of any committee should give their names voluntarily. Mr.
Abhyankar offered himself to be part of the legal committee. Mr. Shasi Nair said
since some members did not want any MC member to be part of any sub-committee,
whether Mr. Abhyankar should be considered. Mr. Shasi Nair also said that he
himself would not like to be part of any subcommittee.
Mr. Anil Ghodke B7/304 also suggested an execution committee. Mr. Mohan Thatke
of A1 suggested that there should be an odd number of members in the various sub-
Thereafter the process of listing names began.
Mr. Shasi Nair hoped that all those who are giving their names are members of our
society and are doing so voluntarily. He also requested that the sub-committees
refrain from blaming their colleagues in other sub-committees at a later date and
should work jointly for the benefit of the society.
Ms. Viji Iyer said there are many defaulters in paying maintenance and other dues.
Managing committee should collect this money. Ms. Saroj Magesh suggested that
transport services should not be provided to the defaulters. The chairman clarified
that we have already taken steps in this direction.
The list of the sub-committees was given as under:
Technical Committee: Mr. Sudhir Menon, Mr.Prasad Pakhare, Mr.Anand Bhide,
Mr.Farid Shaikh, Mr.R.Sreenivasan, Mr.D.N.Sawai,Mr. Prakash Arte, Mr.Samri
Adhikari Mr. Jitendra Khanvilkar.
Finance Committee: Mrs Preetha Nair, Mr. Vimal Chande, Mr.N.R.Naik, Mr.
Bhagwan Joshi, Mr.Manubhai Shah, Mr.Gopal Chary, Mr.Kirti Hadkar,
Mrs. Prachi Sule, Mr. Pradeep Gupta.
Collection Committee: Mrs. Latha Vaidanathan, Mrs. V.G.Iyer, Mrs. Saroj Magesh,
Mrs. Ulka Nimkar, Mrs. Rasika Bedekar, Mrs. Vasanti Ganesh, Mrs.Veena Sawant,
Mrs. Sandhya Karnik, Mrs. Archana Doifode.
Execution Committee: Mr. Mutthu Kumar, Mr. Shine Raj, Mr.Kailash Sharma,
Mr. Asif Dabir, Mr. Shivaji Kankale.
Legal Committee: Mr. Rajendra Abhyankar, Mr. Asim Dasgupta, Mr.S.R. Kadam
Mr. Jayawant B2/202 wanted to know what will be the base report on which repair
committee will start work.
Mr. Vitus Joseph A4/201 appreciated that many people have come forward to be in
the sub-committees. However, he said that the managing committee should be finally
responsible and they should oversee the working of the sub-committees. He said
whatever decisions are taken in the sub-committee should be vetted by the managing
Mr. D. Nene A7/303 said that the final authority will be the managing committee and
whatever reports and decisions done by the sub-committee should come to the
managing committee.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta B2/403 felt these subcommittees will have a lot of work and
responsibility. He suggested that there should be a coordinator who will coordinate
the functions of these committees. He also suggested that these sub-committees
should define their roles between themselves and circulate the same to the managing
committee so that they are aware. Mr. Jayawants name was proposed for this purpose.
He also suggested that interim reports should be periodically sent to the Gen. Body.
Mr. Shasi Nair informed that as a convenor his role was to create awareness,
marketing, and formation of sub-committee etc. With the sub-committee being now
successfully formed, he said the sub-committee should take over and his
responsibility as convenor also should end immediately.
He also mentioned that the sub-committees tenure will end when the final payment is
made to the contractors on successful completion of repair.
Mr. Gopal Iyer B4/204 said that all sub-committee members should remain as
enthusiastic as they are today until the last day of completion of the project. He also
said the basis to start work should be the basic structural report given by M/s Neo-
Mr. R Abhyankar . B3/703 The enthusiasm of the sub-committee members will have
to last for a long time as the repair process is a likely to take a long period. He
proposed that the subcommittees meet on 28th Feb at 8 pm. He also said that the
process of repairs cannot start immediately unless money is collected and the sub-
committees are not authorised to collect the money unless the SGM authorises them.
He suggested that we should start collecting some money immediately and requested
the general body to decide an amount either on lump sum basis or per sq ft basis.
Mr. Pradeep Gupta of C2/304 - said we should know the position of the balance as
on 31st March 2018 so that the funds can be used for repairs than being used for
anything else.
Mr. Gautam Mazumdar B2/204 congratulated the sub-committees on their
appointment and clarified that Mr. Pradeep Gupta himself was the person who was
looking after our accounts and queried that inspite of his supervision why accounting
went wrong.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta advised Mr. Pradeep Gupta that since the sub-committees are
meeting on 28th all the queries/suggestion he has must be discussed in the finance
committee and given to the managing committee. He said that the views of the other
members of the finance sub-committee should also be taken.
Mr. K. Subramaniam of B8/604 suggested that the existing funds in the repairs and
maintenance a/c be transferred to an escrow account and the present charging 0.45
paise per sqft/month can be increased to Rs 1 per sqft/month. Mr. Nene said this
decision or suggestion should be left to the subcommittee.
Mr. S Jayawant requested Mr. Shasi Nair that though he withdrew as a convenor, he
should continue to extend help if required and attend the meeting of 28th to brief the
present status. He also mentioned that he will need the assistance of the MC.
Mr. Srinivasan of B1/104 said that considering the volume of work and the time taken
for this work we will need more people to be part of the subcommittees.
Mr. Shasi Nair said that the proposal should be passed in respect of the sub-
committee formation and the names received for the same. He concluded by saying
that in the history of Saket, this is the first time that such large numbers attended the
General body meeting and remained till the end to take a final decision. Mr. Shine
expressed the hope that finally after several attempts the repair project is taking shape
and requested co-operation of all members in this regard.
Accordingly, it was resolved to have 5 sub-committees i.e Technical, Finance,
Collection, Execution and Legal with Mr. Jayawant as the coordinator. Additional
members may be added by the sub-committees if required.
Proposed: Mr. Ashim Dasgupta
Seconded: Mr. Ghodse, Mr. Magesh
Unanimously approved
Mr. Hemant Hajare enquired whether we should increase the repairs and maintenance
collection from 0.45 paisa to Rs 2. Members did not favour this proposal.
Mr. Dilip Kankale offered assistance on behalf of the committee and concluded with
a vote of thanks to the members present.
The meeting concluded with the chanting of the National Anthem.
For Saket CHS LTD.,
Dilip Kankale
Hon. Secretary
Minutes of the SGM held on 25th Feb 2018 at Saket Club House at 10.30am to
discuss the following agenda:
1. To read and approve the minutes of the last SGM
2. To discuss and approve modernisation/upgrade of lift
3. To discuss, finalise and approve the appointment of project consultant for
undertaking and completing the entire repair project.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting by 30 minutes due to lack of quorum.
The meeting was then called to order at 11.00 am. The Chairman welcomed the
members and requested members to rise and observe a minutes silence as a mark of
condolence to the families of the departed souls of the complex.
He briefed members about the process adopted in moving ahead with the repair
program and the appointment of the consultant. Further, he explained that in order to
create an awareness and consensus on the repair project, members of the managing
committee held building wise meetings and an open forum which was well attended.
He clarified that MC members will not get directly involved in the repair project but
will involve sub-committees to take care of the various aspects related to the project.
It was also informed that no internal contractor will be involved in the repairs.
After requesting members to restrict the discussion to repairs, he requested the
secretary to take up the agenda.
At this point, Mr. Subramanian of B8 rose to raise some points but was asked to
wait till the secretary finished his briefing and begins the agenda.
The secretary, Mr. Dilip Kankale briefly on the same points mentioned by the
chairman and informed that the decision of the General body will be implemented in
the repair project. He enquired whether minutes of last SGM should be read or not as
the same was already circulated. Members desired that it be read. Accordingly,
secretary requested Mr. Shasi Nair to read out the minutes of the last SGM. The same
was read by Mr. Shasi Nair.
Mr. Pradeep Gupta and Mr. Doshi raised objections on the manner in which the
consultant was appointed, costs and the validity of the present SGM. Mr. Magesh
enquired why the cost is being debated as the BOQ is only an estimate and final
quotes will come when tenders are floated.
Mr. Upasani A2/102 expressed his opinion on repairs based on the observations on
previous repairs. He also mentioned that M/s Neo-Tech has not been given any
specific assignment other than the audit work. He mentioned that certain procedures
will have to be necessarily followed. The consultant, whomsoever it may be, have to
be told to take out tenders as public issue i.e. open tenders, and after his technical
assessment/advise the committee should scrutinise and decide how many agencies to
appoint. As buildings are joined, we will have to undertake phase by phase work
instead of building wise. He said we should start looking at critical areas like water
Mr. Shivram B2/102 said he could not get more information on Neo-Tech on the
internet and objected to their appointment. He also enquired why he had to give
Mr. Dilip Kankale B2/504 pointed out that we have read the minutes of the last
meeting which members need to consider for approval. Mr. Shasi Nair also requested
members to take a decision whether the minutes are to be passed or not.
Mr. Chary B-3/102 mentioned that he had asked whether society has taken GST
number. He also added that if society buys material we will get input tax credit. He
said that he had no objection to the minutes being passed provided the points
mentioned by him is incorporated.
The minutes were then passed by the majority provided that the points raised by Mr.
Chary be incorporated in the minutes.
Proposed by: Ms. Asha Heble
Seconded by: Mr. Ghodse
The Secretary then took up the issue of Lift repairs/replacement.
Ms. Viji Iyer C7-604 said that the conditions of Lifts are very bad and the discussion
on the subject should be held at a separate SGM. She opined that there are several
people in the complex who know of contractors related to lifts and they should get
more quotations so that a decision can be taken after considering the various options
and quotations.
Mr. Gopal Iyer recommended that the contract should be given to established and
branded companies.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta from B2/403 said that certain process has to be followed
before calling a meeting, else people get confused. Circulate widely asking for
quotations with all terms and conditions including performance guarantee etc. A
detailed circular may then be put up for members study and emphasised the need to
understand all terms and conditions before the appointment of a consultant.
Mr. K. Subramaniam of B8/ 604 felt there is a communication gap. He questioned
the method of appointment of consultants and suggested methods for the same. He
referred to past repairs and informed members not to hurry to take on any repair
work. He said we should wait for funds to accumulate rather than go in for fresh
collection on repairs.
Mr. D Nene of A7-303 said that members are only expressing their views and
requested the secretary not to panic and respond. He agreed with Mr. K Subramaniam
to the extent of 95% and informed that we have only about Rs 2crores since society
formation in 1999 and to accumulate funds at this rate for huge projects will not serve
its purpose.
Mr. Upasani clarified on Mr. K Subramaniams observations by saying that there were
other applicants who were technically qualified and each one of them had made their
presentations. He added that he had no role in the appointment of M/s Neo-Tech and
the decision to appoint them was taken at the earlier SGM. In fact, he suggested not
to appoint M/s Neo-Tech and other consultants may be invited. He emphatically
clarified that we have not appointed anybody for carrying out the repairs so far. Onlya
structural audit was done and we also have two other structural audits which were
done earlier. Compare their findings and suitably consider inviting consultants.
Further, he mentioned that we should not get bogged down by Rs 15crores as these
actually have no sanctity and is only indicative. He informed that his findings and
observations are all recorded in the file available in the society office which can be
gone through.
As regards lifts, he recommended branded standard companies to be considered.
Also, consideration may be given for generator back up.
Mr. Gopal Iyer said that we have not come to discuss repairs, but to approve the
appointment of M/s Neo-Tech. He mentioned going through the processes.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta B2/403 suggested that a circular is sent to everybody giving all
details on various consultants so that there is sufficient clarity. He also said that
members should have sufficient trust on the work done by the managing committee.
Mr. K. Subramanian tried to shout and demanded to want to speak again, but the
members were not interested in listening to him. What he was trying to say was lost
in the din of shouting by all members.
Mr. Shasi Nair B1/203 expressed that members should maintain decorum by only
speaking with the permission of the chair. He clarified that we are talking about a
process for appointment of consultant and subsequent procedures. No
recommendation is being put forth to appoint a particular consultant. The consultant
who has been appointed by the SGM was only to undertake the structural audit. Now
that the consultant has given his submissions it is for the members to except that
submission or goes for further audits if required. He urged members to discuss a
suitable process in the appointment of consultants/contractors and the repair program.
Mr. Magesh of B8/101 suggested splitting the entire process into two parts: technical
and price part. Appoint a technical committee.
Mr. Mahesh Balasubramanian B6-303 - said the extent of repairs is not clear. He also
felt doing audits, again and again, is adding up to cost and we are also losing a lot of
time. He advised that we should behave like civilised citizens of the society and hear
experts like Mr. Upasani.
Mr. Chary - Enquired about the quantity of sand based plaster treatment etc. Why
overhead tanks are not being repaired by the committee. He requested the members to
give approval to the committee to repair all the water tanks on a war footing. He
mentioned that during the tenure of the previous committee, work was done to stop
leakages hence the replacement of entire plumbing is not a solution but very
expensive and should be removed from the cost. Only part replacement/repair of
pipes is recommended. He also requested that leakages in 7th-floor flats should be
Ms. Saroj Magesh of B8/101 contradicted Mr. Charys statement and said in all these
years whatever he said has not been happening and blaming the present committee is
not a solution. She mentioned that there is subsoil erosion. She requested members to
take a decision whether to go in for a proper repair or not instead of arguing and
wasting time.
Mr. Karkare of C2/102: If we just keep discussing like this nothing will happen.
Instead, he suggested that take on work one by one following the necessary steps and
get moving with the repairs.
Mr. Vitus Joseph A4/201 He felt that the per sq ft cost is very expensive when
compared to the repair works in other societies. He suggested that let a subcommittee
decide and come out with a proposal.
Mr. Shasi Nair B1/203 said we are going round and round as far as technicalities are
concerned. Instead, let us focus on forming 4 to 5 committees who will have key
responsibility areas. He also urged members who are interested voluntarily to be part
of a sub-committee for repairs. These committees could be Technical, Finance,
Collection, and Legal. Mr. Hemant Hajare also voiced his opinion that the members
willing to be part of any committee should give their names voluntarily. Mr.
Abhyankar offered himself to be part of the legal committee. Mr. Shasi Nair said
since some members did not want any MC member to be part of any sub-committee,
whether Mr. Abhyankar should be considered. Mr. Shasi Nair also said that he
himself would not like to be part of any subcommittee.
Mr. Anil Ghodke B7/304 also suggested an execution committee. Mr. Mohan Thatke
of A1 suggested that there should be an odd number of members in the various sub-
Thereafter the process of listing names began.
Mr. Shasi Nair hoped that all those who are giving their names are members of our
society and are doing so voluntarily. He also requested that the sub-committees
refrain from blaming their colleagues in other sub-committees at a later date and
should work jointly for the benefit of the society.
Ms. Viji Iyer said there are many defaulters in paying maintenance and other dues.
Managing committee should collect this money. Ms. Saroj Magesh suggested that
transport services should not be provided to the defaulters. The chairman clarified
that we have already taken steps in this direction.
The list of the sub-committees was given as under:
Technical Committee: Mr. Sudhir Menon, Mr.Prasad Pakhare, Mr.Anand Bhide,
Mr.Farid Shaikh, Mr.R.Sreenivasan, Mr.D.N.Sawai,Mr. Prakash Arte, Mr.Samri
Adhikari Mr. Jitendra Khanvilkar.
Finance Committee: Mrs Preetha Nair, Mr. Vimal Chande, Mr.N.R.Naik, Mr.
Bhagwan Joshi, Mr.Manubhai Shah, Mr.Gopal Chary, Mr.Kirti Hadkar,
Mrs. Prachi Sule, Mr. Pradeep Gupta.
Collection Committee: Mrs. Latha Vaidanathan, Mrs. V.G.Iyer, Mrs. Saroj Magesh,
Mrs. Ulka Nimkar, Mrs. Rasika Bedekar, Mrs. Vasanti Ganesh, Mrs.Veena Sawant,
Mrs. Sandhya Karnik, Mrs. Archana Doifode.
Execution Committee: Mr. Mutthu Kumar, Mr. Shine Raj, Mr.Kailash Sharma,
Mr. Asif Dabir, Mr. Shivaji Kankale.
Legal Committee: Mr. Rajendra Abhyankar, Mr. Asim Dasgupta, Mr.S.R. Kadam
Mr. Jayawant B2/202 wanted to know what will be the base report on which repair
committee will start work.
Mr. Vitus Joseph A4/201 appreciated that many people have come forward to be in
the sub-committees. However, he said that the managing committee should be finally
responsible and they should oversee the working of the sub-committees. He said
whatever decisions are taken in the sub-committee should be vetted by the managing
Mr. D. Nene A7/303 said that the final authority will be the managing committee and
whatever reports and decisions done by the sub-committee should come to the
managing committee.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta B2/403 felt these subcommittees will have a lot of work and
responsibility. He suggested that there should be a coordinator who will coordinate
the functions of these committees. He also suggested that these sub-committees
should define their roles between themselves and circulate the same to the managing
committee so that they are aware. Mr. Jayawants name was proposed for this purpose.
He also suggested that interim reports should be periodically sent to the Gen. Body.
Mr. Shasi Nair informed that as a convenor his role was to create awareness,
marketing, and formation of sub-committee etc. With the sub-committee being now
successfully formed, he said the sub-committee should take over and his
responsibility as convenor also should end immediately.
He also mentioned that the sub-committees tenure will end when the final payment is
made to the contractors on successful completion of repair.
Mr. Gopal Iyer B4/204 said that all sub-committee members should remain as
enthusiastic as they are today until the last day of completion of the project. He also
said the basis to start work should be the basic structural report given by M/s Neo-
Mr. R Abhyankar . B3/703 The enthusiasm of the sub-committee members will have
to last for a long time as the repair process is a likely to take a long period. He
proposed that the subcommittees meet on 28th Feb at 8 pm. He also said that the
process of repairs cannot start immediately unless money is collected and the sub-
committees are not authorised to collect the money unless the SGM authorises them.
He suggested that we should start collecting some money immediately and requested
the general body to decide an amount either on lump sum basis or per sq ft basis.
Mr. Pradeep Gupta of C2/304 - said we should know the position of the balance as
on 31st March 2018 so that the funds can be used for repairs than being used for
anything else.
Mr. Gautam Mazumdar B2/204 congratulated the sub-committees on their
appointment and clarified that Mr. Pradeep Gupta himself was the person who was
looking after our accounts and queried that inspite of his supervision why accounting
went wrong.
Mr. Ashim Dasgupta advised Mr. Pradeep Gupta that since the sub-committees are
meeting on 28th all the queries/suggestion he has must be discussed in the finance
committee and given to the managing committee. He said that the views of the other
members of the finance sub-committee should also be taken.
Mr. K. Subramaniam of B8/604 suggested that the existing funds in the repairs and
maintenance a/c be transferred to an escrow account and the present charging 0.45
paise per sqft/month can be increased to Rs 1 per sqft/month. Mr. Nene said this
decision or suggestion should be left to the subcommittee.
Mr. S Jayawant requested Mr. Shasi Nair that though he withdrew as a convenor, he
should continue to extend help if required and attend the meeting of 28th to brief the
present status. He also mentioned that he will need the assistance of the MC.
Mr. Srinivasan of B1/104 said that considering the volume of work and the time taken
for this work we will need more people to be part of the subcommittees.
Mr. Shasi Nair said that the proposal should be passed in respect of the sub-
committee formation and the names received for the same. He concluded by saying
that in the history of Saket, this is the first time that such large numbers attended the
General body meeting and remained till the end to take a final decision. Mr. Shine
expressed the hope that finally after several attempts the repair project is taking shape
and requested co-operation of all members in this regard.
Accordingly, it was resolved to have 5 sub-committees i.e Technical, Finance,
Collection, Execution and Legal with Mr. Jayawant as the coordinator. Additional
members may be added by the sub-committees if required.
Proposed: Mr. Ashim Dasgupta
Seconded: Mr. Ghodse, Mr. Magesh
Unanimously approved
Mr. Hemant Hajare enquired whether we should increase the repairs and maintenance
collection from 0.45 paisa to Rs 2. Members did not favour this proposal.
Mr. Dilip Kankale offered assistance on behalf of the committee and concluded with
a vote of thanks to the members present.
The meeting concluded with the chanting of the National Anthem.
For Saket CHS LTD.,
Dilip Kankale
Hon. Secretary
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