
Showing posts from 2021

Notice of AGM of Saket CHS Ltd.

  13 Mar, 2021 * NOTICE OF THE 21ST ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING * Date: 12th March 2021  NOTICE OF THE 21ST ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING  Notice is hereby given that the 21st Annual General Body Meeting of the members of Saket CHS Ltd, Thane will be held on Saturday, 27th March, 2021 on Zoom (Audio Visual Means – OAVM) at 10.30 am.  The following AGENDA will be transacted in the meeting: 1.                  To read and approve the minutes of the last AGM held on 29th September 2019.  2.            To ratify the audited accounts for the financial year April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 approved and adopted by the Managing Committee as per Govt. Covid Notification Dt.02nd November 2020.  3.            To ratify the appointment of Statutory Auditor M/s. Mahavir S Jain, Chartered Accountant (Empanelment No.18414) for the financial year 2020-2021 appointed by the Managing Committee as per Govt. Covid Notification Dt.02nd November 2020.  4.            To ratify collection of Repairs fund @ Rs.3/

Decisions taken in Society AGM held on April 1, 2021

 This is a screenshot taken from MyGate App.

३० जानेवारी पूर्वी माझ्या साकेत गृह संकुलसंबंधी केलेल्या तक्रारींचे निराकरण करावे अन्यथा महाराष्ट्राच्या आदर्श उपविधींना व MCS Act ना तिलांजली देण्याचे आंदोलन करण्यात येईल

  दयानंद नेने - सहकारसुत्र* जानेवारी १९, २०२१ प्रति, उपनिबंधक, सहकारी गृहनिर्माण संस्था, ठाणे शहर, ठाणे. *विषय: ३० जानेवारी पूर्वी माझ्या साकेत गृह संकुलसंबंधी केलेल्या तक्रारींचे निराकरण करावे अन्यथा महाराष्ट्राच्या आदर्श उपविधींना  व MCS Act ना तिलांजली देण्याचे आंदोलन करण्यात येईल साहेब, साकेत गृहसंकुल, ठाणे या मी राहत असलेल्या गृहनिर्माण संस्थेच्या कारभारात चालणाऱ्या गोंधळाविषयी गेल्या ५ वर्षात मी आपल्या कार्यालयात सतत पाठपुरावा करत आहे. आपल्या कार्यालयाने गेल्यावर्षी सोसायटी वर inspection सुद्धा लावले होते. पण त्यानंतर कोविड महामारी आणि लोकडाऊन झाले व तो विषय तसाच रेंगाळून राहिला आहे. सोसायटी च्या कारभारात सुधारणा व्हावी यासाठी ५ वर्षे आपल्या कार्यालयात मी दाद मागत आहे पण काही न्याय मिळाला नाही. याला कारण आपले भ्रष्ट्र अधिकारी असे समजायचे का? आमच्या सोसायटी चे पदाधिकारी बिनधास्तपणे कायदा आणि उपविधी यांची सातत्याने पायमल्ली करत आले आहेत आणि आपल्या कार्यालयातून माझ्या तक्रारींचे होणारे हेळसांड त्यांना अधिक बळ देते. हा काय करू शकणार? अशी भावना त्यांच्या मनात ठाम झाली आहे. आपले कार्या

Illegal Cooption of 3 members on Managing Committee

  January 19, 2021 The Dy Registrar of Co-op Societies, Thane City Thane. Dear Sir, This has reference to my earlier letter sent to you via email, on January 14, 2021 on the subject cited above. I am attaching herewith the copies of the Agenda of the Managing Committee meetings of Saket CHS Ltd from August 2020 to December 2020. You see that nowhere on the Agenda has the subject of Cooption of members been mentioned in any meeting in the past 5 months. Suddenly, without any intimation to any members of the Managing Committee or the Society of 672 members, the office bearers co-opted 3 people, which is done on the sly and is illegal. I request you to cancel the Cooption and also declare the January MC meeting attended by these 3 people and all decisions taken in it as ultra vires and illegal. Please uphold the law. Regards, Dayanand Nene Member, Saket Managing Committee. January 14, 2021. The Dy Registrar of Co-op Societies, Thane City, Sir, With reference to the above, I want to bring

Letter to Dy Registrar - MC term over and hold elections

January 18, 2020  T he Dy Registrar of Co-op Societies, Thane City. Thane Dear Sir, The term of the Managing Committee of Saket CHS Ltd had expired on March 31, 2020 last year. However, they got an extension due to the Covid pandemic. However, now in view of the latest circular issued by the Co-op Commissioner, Pune dated January 12, 2021 (attached), you are requested to kindly expedite holding of election of Saket CHS Ltd Thane immediately as this current Managing Committee has continued to flout all rules and regulations and is blatantly violating all Byelaws. Regards, Dayanand Nene Member, Saket Managing Committee.

FAQs - Common Questions & Answers about Saket Shriram Nidhi:

 *FAQs - Common Questions & Answers about Saket Shriram Nidhi:* 1) What is this Ram Mandir Nidhi Sankalan Abhiyaan all about?  We are given responsibility for collecting contributions from people in Saket Complex and Towers from *15 Jan to 15th Feb* (For cash contributions).Online contribution will continue upto February 27. 2) Contribution Options *In Cash -  till Rs.20,000* 1) Pre printed *coupon for Rs. 10/ 100/ 1000* - Eg. if someone wants to contribute Rs.500 he can take 5 coupons of Rs. 100/-. 2) *Above Rs. 2000 cash and cheque*  Receipt will be provided. 3) *Above Rs. 20000* - Only cheques are acceptable and PAN number is compulsory. Please write your mobile number backside of cheque. 4) Online Payment/UPI options available - *Please visit website Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra, complete the form Receipt will be provided online.* Please provide details to local Ram sevak with copy so that he can record the details. 5) Tax Benefit - 100% Tax Benefits are available as per

Increase in Bank Deposit Insurance Coverage

  February 1, 2020: The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) has been permitted to increase Deposit Insurance Coverage for a depositor, which is now ` one lakh to ` five lakh per depositor” said finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget speech to the Parliament, assuring that the house that the deposits with the country’s commercial banks are safe . Alert Citizens Forum of India is pleased that its efforts to get the Bank Deposit Insurance Coverage increased has yielded fruit. We thank Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for positively responding to our suggestion. Dayanand Nene.

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