
Showing posts from 2019

Complaint against Saket CHS Ltd. Managing Committee and Dy Registrar's observations

DDR response to the various issues raised by me. I stand vindicated on all major issues. June 2, 2019 The Dy. Registrar of co-operative Societies, Thane City, Thane.. cc: The Dy Registrar, Thane District ; Cooperation Commissioner, Pune. Dear Sir, Kind Attention: Shri Vishal Jadhavar First of all I welcome you to your new assignment - Dy, Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Thane City and wish you all the best in the new assignment and promise all cooperation from our side. This letter is in continuation of my earlier letter dated May 6, 2019 sent to you on the same subject. It is said that if anyone commits a mistake once - it is a mistake. If it is repeated a second time, it is callousness. However, a mistake repeated again and again reveals that the said person or organization has got scant respect for following the law and its provisions and are hell bent on breaking the legal provisions which govern them as they feel that they are above law or that ou