
Showing posts from January, 2019

सोसायटय़ांतील सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमांसाठी सोसायटय़ांचा निधी वापरणे बेकायदेशीर

सोसायटय़ांतील सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमांसाठी सोसायटय़ांचा निधी वापरणे बेकायदेशीर आता तर महाराष्ट्र शासनाने विद्यमान सहकार कायद्याला तिसरी दुरुस्ती केली आहे👍👌 अनेक सोसायटय़ांच्या सभासदांना सोसायटीच्या वतीने सत्यनारायण पूजा, सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम, फॅशन शोज्, क्रीडा स्पर्धा सोसायटय़ांच्या निधीतून साजऱ्या कराव्याशा वाटतात. त्यासाठी सोसायटीचा निधी वापरता येऊ शकतो काय, अशी विचारणा या सोसायटय़ा जिल्हा हौसिंग फेडरेशनकडे करीत असतात. तेव्हा सोसायटीचा निधी अशा कार्यक्रमांना वापरण्याची तरतूद सहकार कायदा किंवा उपविधीमध्ये नसल्याचे सांगावे लागते. मग अशा स्थितीत आम्ही पूजा, सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम, क्रीडा स्पर्धा आयोजितच करावयाच्या नाहीत काय? असा या सभासदांचा आणि सोसायटय़ांचा प्रश्न असतो. सोसायटय़ांच्या सभासदांनी स्वत: वर्गणी काढून असे कार्यक्रम सोसायटीच्या वतीने साजरे करण्याला सहकार कायदा आणि उपविधी यांचा विरोध नसतो. मात्र स्वातंत्र्यदिन (१५ ऑगस्ट), प्रजासत्ताक दिन (२६ जानेवारी), महाराष्ट्र दिन (१ मे) या दिवशी राष्ट्रीय ध्वजारोहण प्रसंगी, झेंडय़ाला पुष्पहार, पेढे यासाठी सोसायटी खर्च करू शकते. मात्र या राष्

Information on Cluster Development :

Information on Cluster Development : Saketians, I have been telling all again and again about the need to plan for tomorrow as 10 years down the line - we will have to think about redeveloping our buildings. #For any plan, Conveyance is a must. We have to get land and title conveyed on our name. ## I am now giving you basic information on Cluster Development : Thane has seen phenomenal growth in recent times, yet it is also a maze of dangerous and illegal structures thanks to unchecked development. But there is hope around the corner, with the Maharashtra government announcing a cluster redevelopment policy for the region. The Maharashtra government’s new cluster development policy changes this by laying out a framework to develop Thane in a planned manner, while rehousing people living in ruined structures. Key Features of Thane’s Cluster Development Policy – Under this policy, the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) will develop 8 test clusters. – Private developers

What is the procedure for recovery of non-payment of dues by a member?

What is the procedure for recovery of non-payment of dues by a member? A CHS is never formed for making profits instead it collects and disburses the contributions from its members towards common facilities and services enjoyed by its members. It is the duty of every member to pay dues properly & on time for ensuring the smooth functioning of the society. Disputes with the society cannot be mixed or made a reason for non payment. The procedure for recovery of dues is as under: If a member fails to pay the dues after issue of the notice for a period exceeding three months is termed as a defaulter as per the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 and as per Bye-laws of the society. Issue a notice for payment of dues (including up to 21% interest) to the defaulter, with a warning therein that on failure to make payment of the same, an application would be made to the Assistant Registrar/ Deputy Registrar under section 101 of MCS Act, 1960 for recovery of the outstanding d

Land grabbing by Rustomejee

As you all are aware,  Rustomjee Builders has been claiming for past few years that the plot next to Childrens Park belongs to him. I was contesting it and not allowing them to do any work over there. I sent a RTI query to TMC in this regard and today have received reply that the plot belongs to Kapstone Constructions - flagship company of Rustomjee. (I know that a fraud has been committed and Kapstone name was added only in 2015...par kya kare..? ) Entry made in Collectors records in 2015, inserting name of Kapstone Construction in the 7 x 12 of the plot..

Get your Deemed Conveyance first

Get your Deemed Conveyance first The Maharashtra government has relaxed the terms for the deemed conveyance (DC)-ownership right of plot certificate from the builder, by bringing down the number of documents required from 12 to 8 and stipulating that DC will be given even if the society does not have an Occupation Certificate (OC) or the Building Completion Certificate  (CC). This was informed by Shri Dayanand Nene, President of Sahakarsutra, an NGO providing guidance to housing societies, at a meeting of housing federations in Ghatkoper yesterday.  Mr Nene further added that It is mandatory for land-owners or developers to convey the title of the plot within four months of the formation of the housing society.  In many cases, the builders dont convey the title of properties to the housing societies, in the greed of availing more floor space index (FSI) that may become available in future, or to avail the benefits accrued to them in case the property is redeveloped. If the bu

This is how the Registrar's office collects information from a society and gives to member..

This is how the Registrar's office collects information from a society and gives to member..

Fulfilment of Commitments given to Saketians

Dear Saketians,  The Society Management had given you all certain assurances in the Annual Report submitted before the AGM dated September 30. 2018. I am pleased to inform you all that thanks to support & initiative of the office bearers and efforts of all MC members and office staff, we have been able to meet all deadlines promised to you.  1) Our members accounts (old till now ) have been fully reconciled and the differences in Tally and manual registers removed.  2) The maintenance bills for the quarter starting January 2019, now carry the opening balances -debits /credits.  3) The Audit Rectification Report has been submitted well in time to the Statutory Auditors and Registrar office.  4) The new byelaws adopted in the AGM were duly sent for approval and have since been approved and certified by the Registrar.  5) We shall now be sending all members a copy of the members ledgers for past 2years for balance confirmation.  6) All mandatory returns have been filed with

होते कुरूप वेडे पिल्लू तयात एक...

होते कुरूप वेडे पिल्लू तयात एक... मित्रांनो, काल साकेत सोडून गेलेल्या काही मित्रांबरोबर भेट ठरली होती. गप्प्पा रंगल्या व अचानक एकाने प्रश्न विचारला की दयानंद, 2 वर्षांपूर्वी तू ज्यांना आपले समजत होतास त्यांनी तुझा विश्वासघात केला साथ सोडली - तुला एकटा पाडलं -तेव्हा तुला काय वाटले - तू ते दिवस कसे काढलेस? मी म्हटले की शेवटी सर्व तुमचे कर्म (karma) आहे. आपल्या प्रत्येकात एक कुरूप पिल्लू दडलेले असते.. अनेकदा वाटायचे की आपण डावलले जातोय, कोणीही सोम्या गोम्या येतोय.. त्यावेळी अनेकदा ही भावना कुरूप बदकाच्या पिल्लाप्रमाणे मान वर काढायची.. अचानक एक दिवशी ग दि माडगूळकरांचे हे गीत वाचण्यात आले. मनाला खात्री पटली की हे गीत माझ्यासाठीच लिहिले आहे व आपल्यातील राजहंस लोकांना एक दिवस नक्की दिसेल हा विचार मनाला उभारी द्यायचा आणि वाटायचे की नैराश्य फेकून नेटाने जे काम हाती घेतलं ते पुर कर.. एका तळ्यात होती बदके पिले सुरेख एका तळ्यात होती, बदके पिले सुरेख होते कुरूप वेडे, पिल्लू तयांत एक कोणी न त्यास घेई, खेळावयास संगे सर्वांहूनी निराळे ते वेगळे तरंगे दावूनी बोट त्याला, म्हणती हसून

Granting temporary license to fruit vendors near Saket.

SAKET PARISAR ALM / ALERT CITIZENS FORUM  January 21, 2019. The Hon. Municipal Commissioner, Thane Municipal Corporation, Thane Dear Sir, Sub: Granting temporary license to fruit vendors near Saket. ---------------------------------------- With respect to the above subject,  I have to submit as under : 1) Saket Complex is in a way an isolated locality with main markets at least 2 kilometres away. 2) In addition to this, there is major infrastructure work - construction of the 3rd Kalwa Bridge underway on Saket - Kalwa Road, leading to major traffic snarls throughout the day. 3) This has made commuting in and out of Saket a hazardous experience for residents. 4) Going to the market for buying vegetables makes one incur an expense of Rs.50/- one way. 5) Hence, we residents have been requesting street vendors selling fruits to ply their haat-gaadi for 4/5 hours on Saket Rd. so the residents are saved of the effort of spending money, going to the market and can buy vege

Development of Saket Parisar...thank you Suhas Desai..

Dear Saketians, Saket Parisar Advanced Locality Management (ALM) was formed in 2010 for betterment of Saket Parisar - surrounding. As per our constitution, the local Corporator and Municipal Commissioner are our ex officio Advisors. Our aim has been to get big ticket projects done for our Parisar, with involvement and support of our Corporators. Starting from forming the Nana Nani Park,  Children's Park,  removing of zopadpatti from that land, green spot opp. A6 in 2010 to having LED street lights installed in our Parisar,  Open Air Gym to now getting 2 main roads - Mahalaxmi Temple to Highway and Saket Tower turning to Wescon Office concretised at a total cost of Rs. 3 crores - all has been possible because of the support of our Corporators - then Milind Patankar and since last 7 years, Suhas Desai. Since past 2 years, Najeeb Mulla, Ankita Shinde and Wahida Khan are doing their bit by giving their funds too but in their division of work, Saket is with Suhas Desai and he is a

साकेत परिसरतर्फे सुहास देसाई ना Jewel of Thane पुरस्कार

आजच्या झेंडा वंदन कार्यक्रमाला स्थानीय नगरसेवक सुहास देसाई व सौ अंकिता शिंदे यांना निमंत्रण देऊन एक चांगला निर्णय साकेत चे अध्यक्ष व सेक्रेटरी यांनी घेतला त्या बद्दल त्यांचे अभिनंदन. विशेष म्हणजे "हे election year आहे ", त्यामुळे फक्त बीजेपी च्याच लोकांना बोलवायचे अशा भंपक pressure ना ते बळी पडले नाहीत हे विशेष आणि महत्वाचे. इथे एक गोष्ट महत्वाची आहे आणि ती  सर्वांनी समजली पाहिजे : साकेत हे कोणा एका पक्षाला आंदण दिलेले नाही. हे मी 30 वर्षांपासून बीजेपी चा असून म्हणत आहे. साकेत मध्ये सर्व पक्षीय व विविध विचारांची माणसे राहतात. One has to respect all of them.  केवळ आपल्याला  हातात काही काळ /वर्ष सत्ता - जबाबदारी मिळाली म्हणून मनमानी करायची, एका गटाला ignore करायचे, वंचित ठेवण्याचा प्रयत्न हा काही काळ यशस्वी होतो, कायम नाही. उलट अशा पद्धतीने तुम्ही आपला मनाचा कद्रूपणा दाखवता. सुहास देसाई जनतेने निवडून दिलेले आपल्या वॉर्ड चे नगरसेवक आहेत. ते त्यांच्या पार्टीचे निवडणुकीपूर्वी होते. निवडून आल्यावर ते सर्व जनतेचे आहेत. आणखी एक गोष्टीचे भान ठेवले पाहिजे. आपल्या वॉर्डातले

Approval process for Real Estate projects in Maharashtra

Approval process for Real Estate Projects in Maharashtra Approval Process for Real Estate Projects in Maharashtra (Mumbai) & Suggestions to Streamline the System given by FICCI. Very interesting. Click on the above link to read.

Saket conducts Education and Training for residents


Various RTI replies recieved fromTMC


How much you will have to pay for DTH and Cable TV now..

The new tariff regime of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) now allows viewers to select the television channels that they want to watch and pay the maximum retail price (MRP) set by respective broadcasters for each channel or for a bouquet of channels. Our calculations and analysis shows that consumers will eventually end up paying more than they do now, if they wish to have a variety of options such as — news, entertainment, kid channels, sports and infotainment—that too in multiple languages. Since many families have members across generations, they will have to subscribe to multiple bouquets, since they are priced far lower than a-la-carte options. But that too, restricts choice, since opting for a bouquet would mean, leaving out specific channels of other broadcasters.  At the moment, although all channels are luring consumers with subscription offers, many viewers have been advised by their cable operators not to be rush since the TRAI’s proposals are unworkable a

Suggestions given by our Alert Citizens Forum to TMC regarding the Cluster development scheme in Thane]

[ Suggestions given by our Alert Citizens Forum to TMC regarding the Cluster development scheme in Thane] May 24, 2018   मा . आयुक्त ,   ठाणे महानगरपालिका , ठाणे .  विषय : नागरी पुर्ननिर्माण समूह विकास (cluster) सूचना महोदय ,       ठाणे महापालिकेतर्फे दि . ७ मे २०१८ रोजीच्या वर्तमानपत्रातून नागरी पुर्ननिर्माण समूह विकास योजनेच्या विशेष नियमावलीअंतर्गत नागरी पुर्ननिर्माण आराखडा प्रसिद्ध करणेबाबत सूचना जाहीर करण्यात आली . सदर नागरी पुर्ननिर्माण योजनेबाबत खालील सूचना देत आहे . कृपया सूचनांचा विचार करून अंतर्भाव करावा .  १ ) ठाणे महापालिका हद्दीत तयार केलेल्या ४४ पुर्ननिर्माण आराखड्याच्या हद्दीत अनेक भाग असे आहेत कि जेथे महापालिकेची स्थापना होण्याआधीचे ग्रामपंचायतीने मंजूर केलेले घरांचे / इमारतींचे नकाशे आहेत . तांत्रिक दृष्ट्या ग्रामपंचायत म्हणजे तत्कालीन सक्षम प्राधिकरण (Competent Authority). त्यामुळे ग्रामपंचायतीने मंजूर केलेल्या इमारतींना अधिकृत इमारतींचा दर्जा देण्यात यावा व नागरी